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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Business English

Business English, Business Results, accounting, tests, financial English, management

Mastering Accounting, Power Words and Getting Results in Business

Все материалы этого раздела приводятся на английском языке и расчитаны на учащихся "продвинутого" (advanced) уровня.

Power Words Group Lessons

Section 4. Inappropriate, Stubborn and Difficult, Appearance and Behavior.

SuperUser Account 0 107 Article rating: No rating

The previous lesson discussed words that mean “purposely rude,” but there are also a few words, in the English language, that describe unwitting rudeness: Uncouth, unseemly and boorish. Beyond words that describe rudeness, are adjectives that describe something or someone stubborn or difficult. These words are: Intractableintransigent, obstinate, and obdurate. Can you think of words to use to describe a person’s mood or appearance?

Comic relief

Learning foreign language with David Tennant and Catherine Tate

SuperUser Account 0 108 Article rating: No rating
  1. David Tennant is Catherine Tate's new English teacher! | Comic Relief - BBC
  2. Lauren gets worked up over her French exam. Another hilarious moment from Catherine Tate's BBC comedy sketch show.


Do we really have to understand each word in a foreign language to comprehend a conversation. Do we need to be an accountant to understand accounts?

Power Words Test 2

Review of the first six groups

SuperUser Account 0 62 Article rating: No rating

Review of the first six groups of the Power Words vocabulary. The words are: 

articulate, eloquent, coherent, cogent, acclaim, accolade, kudos, commendation, adept, apt, adroit, deft, dexterous, astute, shrewd, discerning, judicious, sagacious, astute, assiduous, circumspect, prudent and wary.



Test your financial vocabulary

The following exercises may give you additional practice to memorize and learn.


This group of tests includes exercises which introduce the basic accounting vocabulary.


This group of tests includes exercises which introduce the basics of book keeping


This group of tests includes exercises which introduce the basics of business organization.


If you are business oriented

You should start with something of your own. An online store is quite acheivable and could become a solution for your first business venture. These books may help.

Microsoft certification gives students and workforce candidates the power to chart their own course, fulfill their ambition, and realize their potential. See the statistics that validate that these certifications give you the tools to build a brighter future and prepare yourself for a successful career.


   Test Your Knowledge


   Test Your Knowledge


   Test Your Knowledge

Prepare for the Certificate

For those who are planning to get the Microsoft Certificate we recommend the following books:


Microsoft Office Specialist. Three in one Complete Study Guide for Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point.

Microsoft Word Expert

A definite guide to Microsoft Word Expert certification.

Microsoft Excel Expert

A definite guide to Microsoft Word Expert certification.

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