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Sunday, March 9, 2025

Business English

Business English, Business Results, accounting, tests, financial English, management

Mastering Accounting, Power Words and Getting Results in Business

Все материалы этого раздела приводятся на английском языке и расчитаны на учащихся "продвинутого" (advanced) уровня.

Tests. Set One.

Double entry accounting for assets and liabilities

SuperUser Account 0 86 Article rating: No rating


Review Exercises

Exercise 1

The information that follows refers to the business of Peter Bright on 31 January 2021: freehold property £40,000, debts due to suppliers £2,350, stock £6,800, cash £180, bank overdraft £1,000, debts due from customers £1,900, furniture and fittings £3,000, delivery vehicle £2,000, mortgage on property (10 years) £5,000, loan from ABC Finance Limited (5 years) £3,000.

Saying Numbers

Many ways to say numbers in English

SuperUser Account 0 75 Article rating: No rating

Oh, Zero, Love, Nought, Nil.

The above are all ways of saying 0 in English. Watch this PowerPoint Presentation to learn much more...

Double entry Accounting

Double entry accounting for assets and liabilities

SuperUser Account 0 110 Article rating: No rating

Double-entry bookkeeping is more robust. It follows the principle that every transaction affects at least two accounts, and they are recorded as debits and credits. For example, if you make a sale for $10, your cash account (assets) will be debited (increased) for $10 and your sales account (assets) will be credited (decreased) by the same amount. In the double-entry system, the total credits must always equal the total debits. When this happens, your books are “balanced.”

Using the double-entry method for bookkeeping makes more sense if your business is large, public, or buys and sells on credit. Enterprises often choose the double-entry system because it leaves less room for error. In a way, it ‘double-checks’ your books because each transaction is recorded as two matching but offsetting accounts.

Single versus Double

Difference between single entry and double entry bookkeeping

SuperUser Account 0 81 Article rating: No rating

Why bookkeeping is it important?

Bookkeeping is the process of recording your company’s financial transactions into organized accounts on a daily basis. It can also refer to the different recording techniques businesses can use. Bookkeeping is an essential part of your accounting process for a few reasons. When you keep transaction records updated, you can generate accurate financial reports that help measure business performance. Detailed records will also be handy in the event of a tax audit.

Comic relief

Learning foreign language with David Tennant and Catherine Tate

SuperUser Account 0 108 Article rating: No rating
  1. David Tennant is Catherine Tate's new English teacher! | Comic Relief - BBC
  2. Lauren gets worked up over her French exam. Another hilarious moment from Catherine Tate's BBC comedy sketch show.


Do we really have to understand each word in a foreign language to comprehend a conversation. Do we need to be an accountant to understand accounts?



Test your financial vocabulary

The following exercises may give you additional practice to memorize and learn.


This group of tests includes exercises which introduce the basic accounting vocabulary.


This group of tests includes exercises which introduce the basics of book keeping


This group of tests includes exercises which introduce the basics of business organization.


If you are business oriented

You should start with something of your own. An online store is quite acheivable and could become a solution for your first business venture. These books may help.

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Prepare for the Certificate

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Microsoft Office Specialist. Three in one Complete Study Guide for Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point.

Microsoft Word Expert

A definite guide to Microsoft Word Expert certification.

Microsoft Excel Expert

A definite guide to Microsoft Word Expert certification.

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